Our Brands

Final Systems

Final Systems is FLP Group’s home brand. This has been developed after many years of product trials and application tests and has been proved to be a product with exceptional quality. FLP launched the Final Systems brand in 2006 and it has continued to grow ever since. As with all of our branded products, we strive to develop products of excellence which will be beneficial to our clients for years to come.


Kapci is a renowned global manufacturer of paint products located in northern Egypt. Kapci has a superb state of the art manufacturing and production plant and are represented in many countries across the globe. Kapci is a major supplier to FLP Group and the partnership has proved very strong over many years. The brand is highly respected and out performs its rivals on a daily basis, creating a reputation of excellence.


Impa is an Italian manufacturer of Automotive, commercial and industrial paint products. With its highly impressive manufacturing plant, and insistence on quality, Impa has grown an excellent reputation for consistent, high quality product. Impa is a major supplier to FLP Group and our partnership is excellent, FLP works very closely with Impa to develop products for specific UK needs.